SORRY - NOT AVAILABLE IN CANADA - order Essential Daily Care and Cool, Calm & Collected instead
Sometimes good luck helps us to come across things that would never follow logically from one scientific paper to another. Customer observations followed by field trials have helped us to identify that the chelated calcium we have been using for 25 years seems to help many laminitis prone horses to cope better and Cushing's horses to manage with much lower or even no drugs. This isn't a treatment or a cure for these diseases but if it helps the horses to live their later years more comfortably it is well worth considering. And that is what our customers in the UK and Australia report so we are delighted to make this technology available for American and Canadian customers to try.
LAM Essentials contains a number of groups of ingredients:
* Chelated calcium helps with brain function but is also the single nutrient we tested on Cushing's horses. It didn't help them all but it helped the majority. Learn more about our trials by clicking here. We also have anecdotal evidence that it helps with laminitics and other hormonal upset issues. Here is an example from an Australian customer of ours - Bolshy Laminitic Mare.
* Psyllium is reputed to help with insulin regulation. We have never evaluated this in our own trials.
* Full spectrum vitamin, mineral and amino acid supplement. Includes the amino acid methionine, supported by bioavailable sulfur, for hoof horn growth. This product is Magnesium FREE because excess magnesium interferes with the cellular processes we are trying to support.
This is the Starter version of LAM Essentials. It is the one to use if your horse is not already on one of our chelated calcium supplements. If your horse is already "loaded" with chelated calcium go straight to the Follow On version of LAM Essentials.
Typical long term cost for a 700lb pony is a little over a dollar a day ($3 a day for the starter version).
Full product specification on our data sheet - click here.