Nov 7th 2017

A guide to hoof support Winter edition

The coldest season will be soon upon us! So it is that time of year, getting ready for the WINTER! As the cold, wet months set in we all notice changes; the nights draw in the trees lose their leaves but what is going on with our horses knee downwards may not be on the for front of our minds. However there is a simple check list we can all go through to make sure our equine friends feet are embracing the change and not rejecting it. Along with common problems to look out for.

  1. Slow growth! You may not notice this one as much but horses hoof growth will slow over the winter months. However horse hoof growth is influenced by many factors including overall health, environment exercise and over all hoof care. 

    These factors normally change as the season does; horses get ridden less in the winter, are out grazing less and stalled more. As winter approaches and we have the first few frosts nutrients in the grass depletes. A combination of these factors results in slower hoof growth.

  2. Hoof bruises! Frozen ground can be as hard as concrete on your horses feet, causing soreness and bruising! Normally this isn’t picked up until the horse is “ouchy” or lame! Sometimes bruising can be spotted on the sole of the foot, with a small crack.

  3. Abscesses! In many counties of the country, this change in season means alternating spells of wet and dry weather. These conditions can cause the hoof wall to contract and expand, allowing bacteria to enter the capsule, where they can multiply and produce a painful abscess. This is most probably a vet job! They will be able to release some pressure allowing the horse to be in less discomfort.

  4. Thrush! Winter brings both advantages and disadvantages for those whose horses are prone to this! Cold sub-zero temperatures are not a kind place for these bacteria! So hit it while it’s weak and use the cold whether as an advantage to beat thrush.

  5. Mud fever! While you are in the foot region, keep an eye of for mud fever. Mud fever is a very common issue for a lot of horse owners. The wet winter months allow mud fever to develop.

If in doubt always give your vet and/or farrier a call. At the end of the day they are the experts and can give the best advice. Give your horse a fighting chance to keep their feet healthy by providing them with the right hoof support. Biotin, methionine, MSM, Zinc and Copper together provide a good base along with EquiFeast Chelated Calcium, the missing link in hoof support. Also give some thought to immune system support too!

CLICK HERE to speak to one of our experienced advisers. 

To see EquiFeast's Hoof Essentials CLICK HERE